I Am Not A Victim Of Circumstances

Affirmation & Explanation

Circumstances - Rebecca AldermanI am not a victim.  I am not a victim.  I am not a victim.

How many times have we tried to say that over and over and still woke up the next morning with our same circumstances staring us in the face.

I Am Not A Victim Of Circumstances

The key is realizing it’s not the repetition of saying mere words over and over in our mind that suddenly makes those words come alive and accomplish something inside us. It’s when we embrace, believe and craft the words to make them our own. That’s when the bubbling chuckle springs up from within because we immediately realize “change” has happened to us – before our circumstances changed.

This is not as great a mystery as it seems.  We talk MUCH about this during our upcoming podcasts.  You better get signed up and quick! See you there!

Video Cover Rebecca Alderman