Power Over Others

Affirmations & Explanations.

Power Over Others - Rebecca Alderman

Most moms have known for a very long time that after the development years of their young, they simply will not have power over their children anymore.  In fact, healthy moms look forward to the day when their kids are potty trained and can clothe and feed themselves plus be efficient enough to pay their bills and make a life for themselves.  It’s a milestone during motherhood that speaks loudly how successful you have been.

Power Over Others

But the most exciting mark of parenthood is when a child emulates your character in choosing friends they would never need or want to control in anyway. Children learn what they live.

When you use this affirmation to overcome challenges in relationships yourself – you become a healthy model to your kids  – and others.

We’ll talk a lot about struggles in this area as well as “fearful” relationships in the upcoming podcasts.  Your life will never be the same.  I look forward to reading your questions and comments.  So go ahead and get signed up today!


I Refuse This Type Of Rule

Affirmations & Explanations

Rule - Rebecca Alderman

There’s going to be times when you just blow it.  It’s those times when you thought it was the right decision but afterward realize just how wrong it was.

I Refuse This Type Of Rule

Don’t let mistakes ruin your life.  Mistakes do not have to rule your life. You can own it, take action (ask God’s and others forgiveness) and move on. Repeat this affirmation over and over to yourself until you embrace it as a standard for your life.

We have ALL made mistakes.  We don’t deserve freedom over past mistakes.  But because of Jesus and His sacrifice for us, we GET TO live in freedom of our past mistakes. Oh, the sweet reality of the Cross of Jesus and all He accomplished FOR US through His suffering! Just think about it! Do you know of anyone who would go through what He did for you or me or anyone else, for that matter?  I believe a little shouting and rejoicing is appropriate about now!  Thank you, Jesus!

My Actions, Thoughts & Beliefs

Affirmation & Explanation

My Actions - Rebecca Alderman

The day you realize there are no more excuses is the day your actions change.  You can be free, vibrant, energized and responsible for life – all at the same time.  The hardest part of it all is changing your thoughts and beliefs first.

My Actions, Thoughts & Beliefs

Everyone needs help from time to time.  Everyone makes decisions daily.  When you take responsibility for your choices, your protection, your life – then life is sweeter.

Use this affirmation to change your actions, thoughts & beliefs.

We will continue to talk about these things during our upcoming podcasts.  Have you signed up?  You can right now below.

I Speak Uplifting Truth

An Affirmation & Explanation.

I Speak - Rebecca Alderman

Instead of speaking your mind in order to relieve your own frustrations and unhealthy emotions to others; instead, you can speak to your mind with truth-filled nuggets that will uplift your countenance and encourage others – no matter what’s happening.

This is not to imply you would become some positive thinking mush speaker to a person whose just experienced a horrible tragedy. No.

I Speaki speak

But in those alone hours when you know you shouldn’t have that extra indulging dessert bowl.  Or on those low ebb days when all the thoughts running through your mind happen to be depressing you further.  Then it’s time to pull this affirmation out and repeat it over and over.

Next, grab the “truth” to replace the lie and get yourself uplifted and back on top of your day.  “I Speak” implies you must do just that.  Replace the unhealthy thought.  Literally hear yourself speak to your mind and say “No, that’s not the way it will be today. I will_______.”  Of course, fill in the blank with the obvious truth about yourself.

Featured image by Ben Grey on Flickr.

Success With Obligations

Obligations - Rebecca Alderman

If you’re that kind-hearted person that simply can’t find the words to say “no”,  then this affirmation is for you.

Believe me when I say that saying “no” is more kind than saying “yes” and then not be able to fulfill your promise.

Obligations can be uplifting and rewarding when they are put well within your capacity to fulfill them. Plus you will be more joyful knowing you did what you could and allowed another capable person to do that “other thing”.


Think of it this way – when you say “no”, you’re simultaneously allowing another great soul to be happier in their life because they get to fulfill what you couldn’t and really shouldn’t.

With affirmations – you can’t just say them once to yourself (as a sort of one off) and think that’s going to do the trick.  You really need to memorize it and say it to yourself each time you sit down and look at your calendar. And definitely every time someone tries to make you feel guilty for saying “no”.  Obligations your responsibility – not someone’s unhappiness or displeasure with your personal scheduling decision.

Share you success in the comments below and encourage us all with your kind words.

Never settle for being discouraged or feeling like you’re a failure. If you need more help, then reach out and email me at private@rebeccaalderman.com. I’m dedicated to your success.

Featured photo is titled “Agenda” on Pixaby