I Choose Healing

Affirmation & Explanation

Healing - Rebecca Alderman

Time management can be a big trip-up for most of us.  Don’t feel bad.   Scheduling, arranging and balancing everything is a weekly chore right up there with laundry and vacuuming, grocery shopping and cooking.  Everyone has to do it.  Things can get out of sorts if we don’t sit down, take a deep breath and recoup at the end of the week. This will help the beginning of the week look more promising. This is YOU choosing “healing” consistently.

I Choose Healing

Yes, restoration takes time but if you don’t plan for it – being refreshed can take a back seat way too long and then you’re back to square one again.  

Invigorating strength comes regularly when you spend quality time with your Creator in an intimate relationship. He infuses His life into you with each new breath.  The more you get to know Him, the more you realize how much He loves you.  In fact, He doesn’t want you doing anymore than what He ordains for you to do in any given day to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.  Again, it takes time to know Him in this way and be free to enjoy what you’ve accomplished together that day.  This is healing and strength walking side by side. You and Him.

Use this affirmation whenever you like.  We’ll talk a lot more about how to get to know Him better during our podcasts. Have you signed up yet?

I Accept & Do This

An Affirmation & Explanation.

I accept - Rebecca Alderman

Taking the moment to recognize the resources at your beckon command will take you along way into the real results of simple but honest gratitude.

As you choose to accept these resources gratefully, then it’s time to ask yourself: “How will I use them.”

I Accept

Many moments of fulfilled joy have come into my life when I realized the wealth of resources around me and began to use them to help others.

  • I accept I may not always use them wisely
  • I declare I will use them wisely

Either way, I’ve begun the journey of  “acknowledging” and “being grateful” and that’s just the first step.

Now I am able to accept the responsibility of actually using them wisely.

I Am Not A Victim Of Circumstances

Affirmation & Explanation

Circumstances - Rebecca AldermanI am not a victim.  I am not a victim.  I am not a victim.

How many times have we tried to say that over and over and still woke up the next morning with our same circumstances staring us in the face.

I Am Not A Victim Of Circumstances

The key is realizing it’s not the repetition of saying mere words over and over in our mind that suddenly makes those words come alive and accomplish something inside us. It’s when we embrace, believe and craft the words to make them our own. That’s when the bubbling chuckle springs up from within because we immediately realize “change” has happened to us – before our circumstances changed.

This is not as great a mystery as it seems.  We talk MUCH about this during our upcoming podcasts.  You better get signed up and quick! See you there!

Video Cover Rebecca Alderman

Bright Hope For My Future

Affirmation & Explanation

Bright Hope - Rebecca Alderman

Sometimes it’s not easy, especially during tragic seasons, but you can live empowered to choose your affirmations carefully.

Bright Hope For My Future

This affirmation declares a bright hope for your future.  If you choose to use this affirmation, then tragedy can be walked out more gracefully.

So if one affirmation can help during a tragedy, how much more will the same affirmation help during challenging days or with a challenging relationship?

You get the picture.

Success With Obligations

Obligations - Rebecca Alderman

If you’re that kind-hearted person that simply can’t find the words to say “no”,  then this affirmation is for you.

Believe me when I say that saying “no” is more kind than saying “yes” and then not be able to fulfill your promise.

Obligations can be uplifting and rewarding when they are put well within your capacity to fulfill them. Plus you will be more joyful knowing you did what you could and allowed another capable person to do that “other thing”.


Think of it this way – when you say “no”, you’re simultaneously allowing another great soul to be happier in their life because they get to fulfill what you couldn’t and really shouldn’t.

With affirmations – you can’t just say them once to yourself (as a sort of one off) and think that’s going to do the trick.  You really need to memorize it and say it to yourself each time you sit down and look at your calendar. And definitely every time someone tries to make you feel guilty for saying “no”.  Obligations your responsibility – not someone’s unhappiness or displeasure with your personal scheduling decision.

Share you success in the comments below and encourage us all with your kind words.

Never settle for being discouraged or feeling like you’re a failure. If you need more help, then reach out and email me at private@rebeccaalderman.com. I’m dedicated to your success.

Featured photo is titled “Agenda” on Pixaby

My Pure Motives Assessment

Affirmations & Explanations.

Pure Motives - Rebecca Alderman

STOP beating yourself up with these damaging words: “I don’t do enough.” “My contribution isn’t as good as hers.” “What I offered wasn’t good enough for them.” And so forth…..

My Pure Motives Assessment

Why is the first thing out of our thought life condemning as we compare ourselves to others.  STOP!!!

Just the FACT that you wanted to help someone shows your pure motives in the situation. It’s time to learn how to catch those negative, damaging thoughts and turn them around into good thoughts. Yeah, and even say those good thoughts out loud over yourself.

Not feeling safe in your existence can stem all the way back to how a you speak to yourself – in your own minds.  Yes, probably a parent or adult at some time or other said something cruel that stunted you into thinking that was “truth”; but it’s time to re-evaluate the who, what, when and where that took place. It’s time to stop crushing the frail flower petals in your hand and start assessing your pure motives in a stance of power and strength.

You do not have to live a defeated life.  You can live fearless and empowered.  We’ll find out more together during the podcasts!  Have you signed up already? You can below.